Who We Are

Meet our team


Our Plan for you

Youniversityrooms aims to support students and young workers during
the room search in Padova. We manage the rent process in every single step,
making it stress-free and cheap even for owners.

Youniversity room

Who we Are

Youniversityrooms was launched in 2020, but it actually began in 1998, with the entry into force of Law 431/98 for rentals. From that moment on, we began to face the continuous evolution of customers and market needs, continuing to update the list of all the experiences and criticalities. We have experienced and studied the best solution from every aspect (legal, fiscal and management) and so providing a service that allows both the owners and the tenants of the properties to live stress-free.

Our Team

Gianluca Carraro
Gianluca Carraro

Founder Partner of Bottega Immobiliare Srl – Public relations

Marco Parrella
Marco Parrella

Founding Partner of Bottega Immobiliare Srl - Real Estate Consultant and Broker - Working in the real estate market for 30 years

Ivan Campagnola
Ivan Campagnola

Partner – Responsible Flats and Maintenance - Coming from the world of university accommodation management

Beatrice Paternò
Beatrice Paternò

Partner – Manager Reservations and Administration, Real Estate Broker

«Us for You»

Marco Parrella, Founding Partner of Bottega Immobiliare Srl

To Sell, Buy and Rent
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